Source code for translations.query
"""This module contains the query utilities for the Translations app."""
import copy
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP
from translations.languages import _get_default_language, _get_probe_language
from translations.utils import _get_dissected_lookup
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
[docs]def _fetch_translations_query_getter(model, lang):
Return the translations query getter specialized for a model and some
default = _get_default_language()
def _get_translations_query(*args, **kwargs):
connector = kwargs.pop('_connector', None)
negated = kwargs.pop('_negated', False)
children = list(args) + sorted(kwargs.items())
for index, child in enumerate(children):
if isinstance(child, tuple):
dissected = _get_dissected_lookup(model, child[0])
if dissected['translatable']:
query_default = False
query_languages = None
if isinstance(lang, (list, tuple)):
query_languages = []
for x in lang:
if x == default:
query_default = True
if lang == default:
query_default = True
query_languages = None
query_default = False
query_languages = lang
q = Q()
if query_default:
q |= Q(**{child[0]: child[1]})
if query_languages:
relation = LOOKUP_SEP.join(
dissected['relation'] + ['translations'])
field_supp = (LOOKUP_SEP + dissected['supplement']) \
if dissected['supplement'] else ''
lang_supp = (LOOKUP_SEP + 'in') \
if isinstance(query_languages, (list, tuple)) \
else ''
q |= Q(**{
'{}__text{}'.format(relation, field_supp):
'{}__language{}'.format(relation, lang_supp):
q = Q(**{child[0]: child[1]})
elif isinstance(child, TQ):
if child.lang:
getter = _fetch_translations_query_getter(
q = getter(
q = _get_translations_query(
elif isinstance(child, Q):
q = _get_translations_query(
children[index] = q
query = Q(*children, _connector=connector, _negated=negated)
return query
return _get_translations_query
[docs]class TQ(Q):
Encapsulate translation queries as objects that can then be combined
logically (using `&` and `|`).
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize a `TQ` with `Q` arguments."""
super(TQ, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.lang = None
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memodict):
"""Return a copy of the `TQ` object."""
obj = super(TQ, self).__deepcopy__(memodict)
obj.lang = self.lang
return obj
[docs] def __call__(self, lang=None):
"""Specialize the `TQ` for some language(s)."""
obj = copy.deepcopy(self)
obj.lang = _get_probe_language(lang)
return obj
[docs] def _combine(self, other, conn):
"""Return the result of logical combination with another `Q` object."""
if not isinstance(other, Q):
raise TypeError(other)
# If the other Q() is empty, ignore it and just use `self`.
if not other:
return copy.deepcopy(self)
# Or if this Q is empty, ignore it and just use `other`.
elif not self:
return copy.deepcopy(other)
obj = Q(self, other, _connector=conn)
return obj